Submission Prerequisite: Contributors must sign up for our email list so as to receive important information in regards to said submission. This requires a valid e-mail address, which we use to provide you with information regarding The World of Myth (TWoM). We do not sell subscriber information to third parties.
Format: We accept e-mail submissions only. The work must be sent as an attachment and NOT in the body of the email. Submissions sent which are not attachments will be sent back for correction. Genre and the bio must be accompanied by a picture or avatar and if submitting a story, poetry or a review a total word count is required within the e-mail.
The World Myth accepts mature content, in the instance if sexual content is dominant could lead to rejection. In any event, the the Editor in Chief has the final say about what is or is not published.
Stories TWoM considers stories in the following genres: Action, Adventure, Horror, Fantasy, Humor, Historical/Romantic Fiction and Science Fiction. While we do publish stories longer than 3,000 words, the contributor must separate the story into 3,000 word blocks and submit them separately. Please include the total word count with first submission.
We prefer stories attached as either an MS-Word or Rich Text document in a 12 point Times New Roman font .
Submissions should be double-spaced with one inch margins, non-justified, and sent as an e-mail attachment. Underline words that need to be italicized. When double-spacing lines, it is not necessary to insert additional space between paragraphs; a single tab indentation will suffice. Please number the pages, and check the spelling, grammar, and punctuation of your tales. We're only interested in polished work, not rough drafts.
Poetry & Artwork Poems should be 500 words or less and you may submit up to three poems at a time, not all poems will be published in the same issue. Epic and story poems of 500+ words will be considered on a case by case basis and may be moved into the story category.
Artwork should be submitted as an attachment in Jpeg (.jpg) format, with at least 300 dpi. Limit submissions to three pieces of art per attachment, not all pieces will be published in the same issue. The "Cover Artwork" of the magazine will be chosen from among all submissions.
Reprints We do accept reprints in all mediums. However, once you receive the "Acceptance" email the said submission should not appear anywhere else (other than social media), for 60 after the date the issue goes live.
This magazine will remove a previous submission from our archives, you will forfiet any future publication with Dark Myth Publications for one calendar year 9 (12 issues).
If a submission appears simutaniously elsewhere during the first 60 days of the current issue, you forfit the opportunity to publish with any brand of Dark Myth Publications in the future.
Other Information There is no monetary compensation of any kind for submissions published in TWoM. We do, however, award the title of Member of the Month to the story, poem or artwork with the highest grade point average. The GPA is determined through a poll which is voted upon by all readers. No monetary prize is awarded for the Member of the Month, but they are placed into the annual anthology. Also, the winner will record a podcast with one of our staff and do a Q&A about their winning piece.
Copyrights Copyrights remain with the author, poet, or artist at all times. However, we do ask that you refrain from re-posting your work anywhere else after notification of acceptance and for 60 days after TWoM publishes your work. During publication, contributors may post hyper-links to our site.
Reply Time Please allow up to four weeks for a reply to submissions. If we haven't replied by then, query us for the status.