Dead and Ferried By: Terry D. Scheerer


Dead and Ferried
By: Terry D. Scheerer

Facing forward, David watched the unchanging fog roll past and said, "Thank you for at least making the know, see where the river took us."

"It was my...pleasure," Charon replied. David smiled at the sincerity in his companion's voice, but remained silent, not wanting to spoil the moment with any further conversation.

Shortly thereafter, David thought his eyes were playing tricks on him, as it appeared the fog was becoming brighter up ahead of them. He bent forward and squinted, until he was finally sure that he was seeing a different quality to the ever present, grey mist. Turning back to Charon, he pointed ahead. "Is that...?"

"Yes," the boatman said, nodding his hooded head. "We are nearing our destination."

David slowly turned back to face the growing brightness and gripped the gunwales tightly in anticipation. He had not expected to be so eager to finish his journey, but now realized that he would soon have an answer to the question all of mankind had pondered since they began to understand that death was possibly not an 'end' unto itself.

Staring ahead, he watched as the light became brighter and the fog began to dissipate into thick tendrils that swirled quickly past his face. Suddenly, they burst into the open air and were surrounded by light. David had to shade his eyes after so long within the confines of the dank mist, and was temporarily blinded by the unexpected glare.

Slowly, his vision adjusted and he was able to make out a shoreline of white sand in the distance, as well as a figure standing near the water, apparently waiting for them. Behind him, Charon said, "Welcome home, David McNab."

Looking hard at the figure on the shore, a wide smile erupted across David's face as he recognized who was waiting for him, and he realized with unexpected joy that he was, indeed, after the long and painful journey that had been his 'life,' finally home.

The End

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