The World of Myth Magazine accepts work in the following categories:
Children's Literature
Science Fiction
If you would like to contribute to one of our review categories, please contact the Editor with your pitch.
The following guidelines apply to all submissions.
All written submissions must be in Times New Roman Font, 12 point.
Art submissions must be in .jpg form.
All submissions must be in a separate document attached to the email. If the submission is within the body of the email, it will be rejected without consideration and asked to be resubmitted in the correct form.
All submissions must be in English.
All submissions must be emailed to the Editor of The World of Myth on or before the 15th of each month. Submissions after the 15th will be considered for the following month.
Submissions must NOT contain pictures or audio files.
All submissions MUST have accompanying short author biography and photo, again in a separate .doc or .docx file and attached to the email.
It is acknowledged that once a submission is accepted, the creator, be it art, poem, or story, has given implied consent for the use of the accepted piece in any future endeavors, including but not limited to T-shirts, calendars, coffee mugs, etc. Under the implied acknowledgment that the contributor will be compensated as per the JayZoMon/Dark Myth contract.
All submissions must fall within one of the categories offered on The World of Myth or it is accepted that it will be placed within a category deemed appropriate by the Editor. If a category can not be deemed appropriate the piece may be rejected.
The World of Myth accepts pieces with mature subject matter. Submissions that are overtly pornographic or overly violent in any way may be rejected.
Short stories must be no longer than 3000 words. If a piece is longer, it is the contributor's responsibility to divide the piece into acceptable parts and submit as separate documents. Please indicate now many parts are in the piece, in the first part.
Poems should be no longer than 1000 words. Poem that are longer than 1000 words will be moved to a short story category.
Once a piece is accepted it must not appear in any other publication for 60 (sixty) days after the date of release.
A contributor may have more than one piece in the magazine at a time, but not more than one per category unless it is a multi-genre category such as Drabble/Flash/Micro.
Words that are italicized need to be underlined for the Editor to place the correct coding brackets around it.
We are only interested in polished print ready work. While the Editor will make some corrections, it is the job of the contributor to make sure all the piece is ready. Please do not submit rough drafts.
We do accept reprints in all mediums. The 60 (sixty) day rule above still applies. As do all the other submission requirements.
If a submission appears simultaneously elsewhere during the first 60 days of the current issue, you forfeit the opportunity to publish with any brand of Dark Myth Publications in the future. The piece will be removed from our archives and from the issue it appears in.
If a contributor requests a piece be removed from our site once it has gone live, and been archived, the contributor forfeits the right to submit to any future publication with Dark Myth Publications, for one full calendar year (12 issues).
If a contributor requests that all work be removed, the contributor will no longer be welcome to submit to the magazine at any time in the future.
Other Information
We do not pay for submissions, reviews, or artwork. However, our readers to have the opportunity to vote on each piece and the winner each month gets awarded the title of Member of the Month, an opportunity to appear in our yearly Anthology, and a T-shirt commemorating their win.
Winners will be announced on the Facebook page and on The World of Mythbits Podcast.
Copyrights remain with the author, poet, or artist always. However, we do ask that you refrain from re-posting your work anywhere else after notification of acceptance and for 60 days after The World of Myth publishes your work. During publication, contributors may post hyper-links to our site. After the Magazine goes live, the Editor or Editor's Assistant will post links to the piece on the contributor's Facebook page. It is also implied by consent of submission that The World of Myth reserves the right to use any piece in swag or promotional material for the company with the agreement that the contributor will be compensated for the use of their work.
Reply Time
Please allow up to four weeks for a reply to submissions. If we have not replied by then, query us for the status.