Luke's Moon by John David Hanna


Luke's Moon
John David Hanna

"So you have been here all that time with no communication with anyone else? You have a lot to learn" Wilbur said.

"I am only an expert system and not an AI. I can learn" the would–be monster replied. Like on cue the two humans woke and Wilbur filled them into what had happened and how close it had been. The pair thanked Wilbur profusely.

Although they were reasonably sure that Jules could overhear them Luke told Jenny it was time to haul ass home and Jenny was in agreement.

"You are under our command and don't forget it" Jenny piped up to Jules whose shoulders slumped and face drooped precisely like a human although the unreliable machine had never seen humans before now.

"We still have to make a profit," the girl said to Luke who agreed. Still shaken he turned to Jules.

"Can you fly this ship to Earth orbit or the moon?" Luke asked, speaking of the Nautilus.

"I'll need to fuel it," the robot Jules said.

"You tried to use us without permission. Understand that we found you and you are our property. We make the rules, and you obey them, understand?" Luke demanded

Jules nodded submissively.

"Say it out loud! You obey our commands and no sneaking around!" Jenny added.

"I hear, and I obey" Jules agreed seemingly without reluctance.

"Where are you located" Luke asked.

"The ship and I are one. The seemingly random iron crystals are my neural net, and this body is liquid metal".

"He can help us advance our materials science," Wilbur said. Wilbur felt like he was a useful part of the human race and participated in human and robot endeavors with intensity as designed.

"Can we trust him?" Luke asked Wilbur.

"He isn't completely tamed. It should work and if it doesn't the AI powers of Earth can overcome him neural net or no" said Wilbur who had indeed calculated the chances the possibly rogue robot presented.

"What about the rest of the ships here? Do they have intelligence like you do or are they superior" Wilbur asked Jules?

"The host ship has more processing power, but all of us are loaded with the initial operating system. Before you ask the other ships are dormant unless I wake them but the host is slightly awake as it let you in".

"Maybe we should take the whole armada to Earth, it might be easier." Jenny offered.

"Your wish is my command," said Jules.

"We should change his name to Aladdin" Luke mused aloud.

"All right, can we talk to the main ship?" Luke continued and just as he finished speaking the airlock spun into action as they heard the cycle start. In a moment a twin of Jules had entered the room.

"I am at your service," the new robot said.

"Do you mind if I call you Columbus and can you change your appearance so we can tell you apart?" Jenny asked it.

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