Night’s Lullaby by L. M. Mercer


Night’s Lullaby
By: L. M. Mercer

Sometimes at night I lie awake and listen—
I find strange comfort in the noisy silence.
Until one truly listens, one will never hear,
All of the noises present just beneath the silence.
The tick tock of clocks, is heard by most,
But the whirl of a spring tightening is harder to notice.
Hearing a breath being drawn in and forced out is easier still,
But the beat of your own heart is almost unperceivable.
The howling wind of winter, is no trouble to hear,
But the whisper of a breeze on a still night is a pleasant melody.
In the middle of a raging storm that thunders and pours,
Can you hear the sound of a single rain drop as it strikes the window?
What do you hear when you listen to the silence—
Can you distinguish the sweet lullaby there?

About the Author

Even though she has been writing for some time, L. M. Mercer has never had her work viewed by the public at large. She had mainly used writing as a release for her stressful existence (never intending for others to read her poems), but was badgered into submitting some pieces by friend and coworker, Kevin Magnus, who told her to 'Stop wasting your talent'. While never admitting to him that she is very grateful for his badgering, she will henceforth share with us her talent, both lyrical and oft times somber, now that she is our newest contributor to the "World of Myth".

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